Thursday, September 23, 2010

half shaved typhoid Larry

Sorry that I haven't posted in so long. I got busy, and I was reading a really great series of stories by Michael Arram. If you are interested they are the Henry series and available online at

Recently the entire family has been ill with colds. Leo may have brought it home from school or I might have from work. David is blaming me and calling me "typhoid Larry." If you don't get the joke email me and I'll explain it.

A few years ago I noticed that a mole on my leg was changing, so I had it evaluated and removed. One part of it was on its way to melanoma but wasn't there yet. So now I apply sunscreen everywhere before I run, and it's much easier if I shave my legs. So I was half finished the second leg the other day when the electric razor died. Now I have one shaved leg and one partially shaved leg - it looks strange, as you would guess.

It summary I'm a half shaved typhoid Larry


  1. lmao ... thanks .. have miss you ... but so understand ... and you know never going to get past half shaved typhoid Larry love it !!!

  2. at least it was just your leg... you can wear long pants...
    a half-shaved face doesnt cut it at work..

    - cheers.... david

  3. Razors are cheap - reputations are not! david is right!

    Pete is forever bringing colds home from work. I blame open-plan air conditioned offices and stuffy old meeting rooms.

  4. I love Mike Arram's stories! He is a very talented writer.

    The kids and i call my hubby pink eye guy, cause he would bring it home all the time, but never ever catch it. Lucky sod that he is!

    So, you are a trendsetter now, go with it, make it work! I guess i'm channeling Tim Gun....
