Friday, December 16, 2011

unusual things in our home

If you were to visit our home you might see some unusual things. Here are a few that I noticed in the last few days. First are the handcuffs on the handle of the door of the oven. No, we're not into BDSM (and even if we were, not in the kitchen), they belong to my son Leo. I have no idea why he put them on the oven, but I often don't understand why he does what he does. Next you might notice the tooth sitting on a paper towel on my dresser. Leo pulled out another tooth last night, his seventh he thinks. We now owe him $5 he reminded me today. We never did the tooth fairy fantasy, so we just give him $5 per tooth. The next unusual thing would be the house key that was found in a container of leftover cake. It is my son's house key, which he couldn't find for a while. I asked why it was with the cake and he responded "I don't know, I lost it." OK, but why put it with the cake in the first place? No answer to that.

Next you might notice the vomit on the Christmas tree skirt. This can't be blamed on Leo but on our cat Miss Otis (named after the Cole Porter song). Christopher noticed it first and commented on it, so I decided if he saw it first he should clean it up. Petty, I know, but why talk about it if you don't take care of it?

The last somewhat bizarre thing you might see is a grape on our bedroom floor. Leo apparently had grapes at school and put a few in his pants pocket to eat later. Of course then forgot about them and didn't eat them or take them out of his pocket. Somehow one grape made it through the washer and dryer, and when he picked the pants up and put them on his shoulder before putting them on the grape fell out. Well, he must inherit that from Christopher, who regularly leaves his Chapstick in his pants pockets. They melt in the dryer but thankfully don't make a mess.


  1. I won't even get into the strange things lying about my house, and I don't have a Leo or a Christopher!

    Peace <3

  2. OK, I just have to ask . . . why does your seven-year-old own a pair of handcuffs?


  3. Thanks for the comments guys. LB, he has handcuffs because the 12 year old across the street had them but I guess got bored with them and put them on Leo one day and told Leo that he could keep them. We would not let Leo have a toy gun for the longest time, but he was playing guns using a stick as a gun, plus the kids down the street had water guns and were soaking him, so we caved and bought him a water gun.

  4. Oh the life of them youngins lmao ... enjoy every min. because before you realize it ,they are gone.... lmao ( bought back memories thanks of the I don't know ghost .... ) had a grilled cheese in the VCR once lol! Then you go through the stage where you really don't what to know... lmao teenagedom .... what I don't know will not kill me I hope .... lol any glad your back

  5. Oh, dear! I just realized my comment could be seen as implying that Leo is some kind of pervert. I assure you, I meant nothing of the sort!

    I wanted to be a magician when I was not much older than Leo, and I would've loved to have had a pair of handcuffs!
