Friday, April 9, 2010

a tombstone in the front yard

Today's the last full day of our vacation, and we're flying home to California tomorrow. David and I went to lunch with my sister, two of my cousins and one of the cousin's sons. It was good to see some of the family. We thought that we would see everyone at Easter, but the cousin's parents had a bitter divorce, so if one parent is there the other won't show up. So instead of having everyone over, my older cousin just had her father over. It's hard for me to understand being married to someone and later not being able to be in the same house as that person.

My sister talked to my dad this morning and told him that he was ignoring my son Leo whenever my niece was over at my parents' house. I guess that the older grandchild gets ignored when the new baby is around. David has noticed this too, and Leo was feeling bad about the situation. So now Leo and my parents are at a park feeding the birds for some grandparent time for him.

My mother is an amateur genealogist, and found that some of her Irish ancestors didn't have tombstones at their gravesites. So she raised money and bought tombstones. But one of the tombstones misspelled her ancestor's name, and the company that made it gave her a correct one in its place. So she has an extra tombstone, and she decided to put it in her front yard. They have the only tombstone in the yard in the whole neighborhood. Don't you wish that you had one in your yard? It's not that bad really, since it's flat and only a few inches high, and it's only visible from near the house.


  1. I like tombstones your mother is so lucky!

  2. Tombstones can show character, but mostly older ones. I like older cemetaries, but new ones seem so sterile.
